Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Stand Out of Their Light

When Alexander the Great visited Diogenes and asked whether he could do anything for the famed teacher, Diogenes replied: “Only stand out of my light.”
One day my seven year old daughter Roxanne, the namesake of Alexander's Persian wife, came to me with a jar. It was a tiny baby food jar that she had filled with water and a single marble. She asked why the marble looked small on this side of the jar but, when rolled to the other side, it looked larger. I was filled with joy…such a little girl with such a keen eye. Should I attempt a tiny lesson on light and refraction? Too late. Within seconds she was off on another adventure. Someday we will return to the event and celebrate her curiosity. In the meantime, she thinks mostly of dancing and that makes me happy. You never know where a rolling marble will lead them if you stand out of their light.
"If I worked in a big laboratory I would shout "Eureka!" every now and then just to boost morale." - unknown (greeting card)

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